- horror reviews - MOH 2019
Little Monsters
IMDb Info
Release Year: 2019
Runtime: 1h 33min
Country: Australia, USA, UK
Language: English, Chinese
Genre Tags: Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
Plot Summary: A washed-up musician teams up with a teacher and a kids show personality to protect young children from a sudden outbreak of zombies.
Poster - Title Card rating: notes:
Outside Reviews:
Nick Allen
2 out of 4 stars -
“Little Monsters” is not for kids, and yet it wants to be as cute as their singalongs, even just by its premise alone. More than with any usual comedy, your mileage will undoubtedly vary with “Little Monsters,” especially if you find kids (with their matching frog backpacks and little observations) unflappably endearing, or man-children instantly worth rooting for. But as someone who constantly struggled to have mindless fun with “Little Monsters”—its self-amusement is far more obvious than it is infectious.
Evan Narcisse
Little Monsters Is a Skeevy-Cute Parade of Zombie Comedy Clichés That Works Despite Itself
Nyong’o’s range as Audrey Caroline saves this movie. She gamely offers up tenderness and toughness in her scenes with child actors and shambling flesh-eating zombies. While England and Gad hoot and ham it up, Nyong’o delivers moments that feel genuine and sincere, even when she’s shoving a sharp piece of broken merch into Teddy’s gut to keep him in line. She shines in the action scenes, too, with one particularly gory sequence climaxing with her bright yellow dress covered in blood (which has been a focus of the promotional materials). The end result isn’t pretty but it gets the job done, just like Little Monsters itself.